Saturday 5 October 2013

Day 2: The Story Continued (72.3 miles)

Everyone got a really gd nights sleep and a hearty breakfast before setting off on our long day ahead. However once we got started we were not expecting a mammoth hill in the first 5 mins of cycling this morning. Once on top of those pesky white cliffs of dover it was plain sailing down to the fery terminal and we were  out on the channel crossing by 10.15.

Because we lost an hour in time difference we didnt arrive into calais until close to 1pm and still had a good 60 miles ahead of us to cycle so we cranked it up a gear. It took a while to get used to cycling on the right and a few times at roundabouts we had to shout out to each other to look the other way! Cycling in northern france was very peaceful, with relatively flat roads and very good road surfaces so we were setup for a good afternoon of riding.

We had a little celebration after reaching the 100 mile mark for the trip (a lucozade tablet each) and then cycled hard for the remaining 3 hrs of the day to get in to Rue just after dark.

 Special mention goes to Bill Sophie and Ann for completing their longest cycle rides for the second day in a row and to the 4 dead hedgehogs we saw on the side of the road. Thanks again for all the supportive messages today. They have really kept us going.

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